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So far MIRA Missions has created 41 blog entries.

Impact Day 05 – January.2022

Another Impact Day serving the Duncanville Outreach Ministry. We had a very large team of volunteers and together we were able to organize their donations which would take months for them to do. We also cleaned the outside of the building and the parking lot. It was a great opportunity to show God's love in a practical way.

Impact Day 04 – December.2021

Again we had the blessing opportunity to serve the Seed Project at YWAM Tyler. It's so good to see the progress of the project and be part of it. Our families enjoyed one more time and had a lot of fun helping the missionaries.

Impact Day 03 – November. 2021

Again we had the blessing opportunity to serve the Seed Project at YWAM Tyler. It's so good to see the progress of the project and be part of it. Our families enjoyed one more time and had a lot of fun helping the missionaries.

Impact Day 02 – September.2021

We had a blast serving the YWAM Seed Project. It was a fun time with our families working together, and helping this amazing project. It's going to be very helpful for the community and also for the YWAM Missionaries. We love to see our kids serving and also have the experience to see different realities that make them grow. God is good.

Impact Day 01 – August.2021

We thank God for the opportunity to bless more than 100 children with a backpack full of school supplies. It was a really cool day, where families and children had fun and received this gift that certainly brought relief to them. Thanks to Newman International School and all the volunteers who helped us.

A Desperate Woman’s Prayer

Your Content Goes Here When I first visited this arid West African country, a small YWAM team had already worked there for several years. I came with friends from my home church in California. It was another step in preparing a new team to come help with the work. We were all inspired

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